Thursday Night Meditation Drop-In Group

6:00-7:45 pm PDT Hybrid (In-Person/Zoom Location below)

Note: Tucson is currently the same as Pacific Daylight Time.

Current Topic: What is True? What is Real? What Can We Rely On? 
Led by David Bornstein, IMT Dharma Leader


With hyperbole, conspiracy theories, and outright lies making daily headlines, the topic of “truth” is top of mind for many people these days. What did the Buddha have to say about truth, and how can this help us find balance in these troubled times?

 The Pali word dhamma is most often translated as “teaching,” but also means “truth” or “nature.” When the Buddha spoke about truth, and what is real, he was not referring to our thoughts or beliefs. In Buddhism, truth is not conceptual. The Buddha’s teachings continually encourage us to notice what is happening in our direct sense experience in the present moment. The sights, sounds, sensations, etc., that comprise our moment-to-moment experience are actual, real. And when we pay attention with mindfulness, in the present moment, unshakeable truths about reality reveal themselves to us: the truth of impermanence (anicca), the truth of no permanent satisfaction (dukkha), and the truth of not self (anattā). On these we can rely. The more deeply we understand these truths, the more we align our lives with these them, and the more freedom we feel.This weekly gathering supports continuity of practice with a community of like-minded people. The intention is to bring these valuable teachings of the Buddha into practical applications in our daily lives.

The evening includes a 30-minute sitting meditation, a dharma talk, and discussion or interactive exercises. Open to those new to practice as well as those with an established mindfulness practice.

The teachings of the Buddha are a priceless gift which are offered freely. We invite you to consider Dana, generosity, as part of our practice together, and to give what you can to support Teachers and Sangha.

If you have challenges logging into Zoom or would prefer to PHONE-IN CLICK HERE.

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HYBRID In-Person/Zoom

Pima Friends Meeting House 931 N. Fifth Avenue, 85705.

Parking is available in the back lot, along 5th Ave. between 1st and Speedway, and along 1st St. west of 5thAve. Some parts of this area require permit parking – the signs are clear, so check them if you’re not sure.

David Bornstein, MSW

David Bornstein (he/him) began a dedicated Buddhist meditation practice in 1997. He has practiced mostly in the Theravada tradition at Spirit Rock Meditation Center (SRMC) and Insight Meditation Society (IMS), and also attended several Zen sesshins at the San Diego Zen Center. He has sat dozens of silent retreats, ranging in length from several days to two months. David became a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher when he completed the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (2019) led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. He also completed Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner’s Program (2016), and will soon begin their Community Dharma Leader (CDL) Program. For over 20 years, CDL has trained the next generation of dharma leaders with the capacity, resilience and needed skills to carry the dharma forward. CDL7 runs from January 2025-January 2027.

David has an easy, welcoming teaching style. Students find him authentic and trustworthy, and appreciate the way he shares from his own life to illustrate Buddhist teachings. David lives in Tucson with his wife and daughter.