Topic: TBA
with Dharma Teacher Emeritus
Anna Douglas
This weekly gathering supports continuity of practice with a community of like-minded people. The intention is to bring these valuable teachings of the Buddha into practical applications in our daily lives.
This drop-in class is open to those new to practice as well as those with an established mindfulness practice.
The evening includes a meditation, Dharma Talk and Discussion.
Challenges logging onto Zoom or for PHONE-IN options CLICK HERE.
The teachings of the Buddha are a priceless gift which are offered freely. No one is ever turned away for inability to pay. We invite you to consider dana, generosity, as part of our practice together, and to give what you can to support this dharma service.
Anna Douglas, PhD., is the founder of Insight Meditation Tucson, and one of the founding teachers of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. In 1986 she was one of five Dharma students invited to train in Jack Kornfield's groundbreaking program of practice and study for new teachers. Although Anna's background is in psychology and the arts, she has had the good fortune as well as the deep aspiration to be able to do many long retreats in the vipassana/insight tradition. For many years her focus in teaching was to guide people in long retreats. She also created and taught mindfulness retreats for yoga practitioners and teachers, and for 15 years taught an annual creativity retreat using painting and writing as the mediums of exploration. In more recent years Anna's teaching has included classes and retreats on aging and dying. She is grateful for the many wonderful opportunities for practice and for teaching she continues to enjoy.