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Meditation to Develop Concentration and Serenity for a Chaotic World

9:30 am - 4:00 pm


Meditation to Develop Concentration and Serenity for a Chaotic World

In concentration and serenity (samatha) meditation, we return our awareness to one object of meditation to the exclusion of everything else, thereby collecting and unifying the mind stream. This practice counteracts the overstimulation of today’s world, reflected in books like “The Shallows” that highlight the neurological effects of social media, texting, and technology that bombard our awareness with messages, alerts, and feeds. (Neuroscience will be discussed.) Practicing concentration meditation collects the mind stream and “builds the muscle” of concentration, enabling us to turn away from the constant pull of our smartphones, computer screens, games, and entertainment, allowing us to settle into the serenity of our deeper nature. The practice also reveals with heightened clarity our habitual patterns that cause us to suffer both on and off the cushion, a process referred to as “purification of mind.”

Then, as we build the capacity to turn away from these patterns, a laser-like awareness can develop that can lead to profound stillness and deep joy, as well as the possibility of the deep meditative absorptions known as the jhanas. This daylong retreat provides an overview of anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) concentration meditation as taught in the lineage of Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw of Burma, considered by many to be the leading living teacher of samatha practice and the jhanas. Highlights of recent neuroscience research demonstrating the benefits of focused attention meditation will also be provided. This event is open to all, and is suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators. There will be instructions and meditation, silence, and periods of teaching and questions. Prerequisite: none. Click here for a 4-minute YouTube with Tina talking about “The Four Benefits of the Samatha Practice.”


  • Feb 20, 2021 9:30am - 4:00 pm (MST)


  • OnlIne via Zoom


  • $35 Registration (beginning February 6)

  • Dana for Tina at the end of the retreat

  • No one is turned away for lack of funds


Click on the button below to register.


Martha Auslander Registrar or 520-477-1897

Tina Maple Tree Headshot May 2018 cropped.jpg

Tina Rasmussen, Ph.D.

Tina began meditating at age 13, and has practiced in the Theravada and Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 30+ years. In 2003, she completed a year-long solo retreat, and was later ordained as a Buddhist nun and authorized to teach by Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw. Tina has been studied by Yale Neuroscience Lab, and is the co-author of Practicing the Jhanas, as well as several books on human potential. Tina works with students worldwide.