You are invited to join our Sangha wide Spring Practice Period. Doing these practices with the support of Sangha and daily teachings increases their potency. The precious Sangha is the company we keep as we explore the moment to moment unfolding of our lives, helping us to find our way. The Buddha called the ongoing presence of the Sangha as “the whole of the holy life.” We are not alone!
Transforming Greed, Hatred, and Delusion
with Terry Magee, David Bornstein and Anna Douglas
“Each moment we are mindful, the mind is pure, free of clinging, hating and delusion.” ~ Jack Kornfield
When we practice the Dharma, it becomes clear that the problems we have are not intractable and fixed, but rather, they are workable. This is true of even the “biggies” like Greed, Hatred, and Delusion. The Buddha called these “the Three Poisons” which pollute the stream of human consciousness. They sound daunting, but as we practice, we make a profound discovery – every moment of mindfulness is a moment free of the poisons. Mindfulness is purifying. This discovery makes way for more sustained periods of non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion. We may experience this as a glimmer of relief – how good it feels (even momentarily) to be free of the three poisons.
What’s more, mindfulness empowers us to know directly the nature of greed, as well as to cultivate it’s antidotes of generosity and renunciation. With mindfulness, we can know hatred, both internally and externally, and cultivate it’s antidotes of loving-kindness and compassion. We can investigate delusion and its harmful consequences and cultivate moment to moment clarity and wisdom. The Three Poisons can be known and transformed. This will be the focus of our practice in the good company of sangha and teachers.
During this 9 day Practice Period, as you go about your daily life, you will choose from a menu of options for how you will practice. You might choose to attend one or more of the Group Sittings which will be offered, or listen from a curated list of Dharma talks, or practice mindful eating, or limit screen time.
How you practice is up to you. You will be supported by the teachers, Terry Magee and David Bornstein. They will lead a daily drop in discussion group by Zoom for those participating in the Practice Period. You will also be supported by opening and closing ceremonies, and Sangha sittings three times a day.
Here is a list of what will be available to support you in deepening your practice and understanding:
Opening Ceremony, May 4, 6:00 pm
A Practice Period Pledge to fill out during the Opening Ceremony .
to view and dowload the Practice Pledge CLICK HERE.Three daily sangha sittings, 7:00am, 12:00 pm, and 6:00pm, 40 min, led by Anna, Terry, and David.
A Discussion Group with Anna, Terry, and David 45 minutes via Zoom, to meet every day at 12:45 pm and 6:45 pm.
A curated list of Dharma talks to listen anytime.
Closing Ceremony , Saturday, May 13, 10:00-1:00pm
Thursday, May 4, 2023 6:00 PM through
Saturday, May 13, 2023 1:00 PM
You have the opportunity to offer dana to support the teachers.
Suggested donation is $175 - $25. We ask you to give what feels generous. Your generosity is what allows IMT to continue offering Dharma teachings.
For any questions contact David Bornstein or David Bornstein or Terry Magee at or call 520-477-1897.
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. After Opening Ceremony you will receive an email from with a password, giving you access to the Practice Period Resource page which contains the Zoom link, Schedule, Handouts, and Selected Dharma Talks. If you do not receive an email in 24 hours, check your spam folder or reach out to the Contact person listed above.