June Practice Support Group
Growing Happiness
We want to be happy. But do we know how to be happy? Chances are that we have learned what our culture tells us — that happiness comes from the achievement of money, power, praise, success, good looks, and wonderful children. Is it true? If we have these things, has it brought us happiness?
The Buddha was concerned with these exact questions. He left behind material wealth, his wife and child, and his royal status as a Prince, in search of a happiness that eluded him. He discovered that the highest happiness is peace, a deep and paradoxical penetration into the truth of life. He found happiness by letting go, by opening himself to the vulnerability of impermanence, by cultivating brilliant clarity of heart and mind, and by questioning his beliefs, especially the belief in “me and mine.” He taught for some 40 years and left volumes of instructions for us. Even so, we struggle; we get lost, fall down, get up, and begin again a thousand times. This is how we learn to be happy! The Buddha called it “the quiet way to happy country.” Even in the midst of our confusion or struggle, we may also feel what the Buddha called “the sweet joy of the way.”
In this 4-week series we will may cultivating joy and happiness our focus — in our shared intention, in our meditation, in our inquiry and discussion, and in our daily activities.
Sundays, June 4, 11, 18, and 25
10:00-11:45am PT
Note: During Daylight Savings Time Arizona is the same as Pacific Time
Like all our current offerings, this class will take place via Zoom, an online meeting platform.
April PSG - 3 class series: $100-$25
For those of you on a limited budget pay what you can. No one will be turned away.
For any questions contact David or Terry by email at insightmeditationtucson@gmail.com or leave a voice message at 520-477-1897.
Registration is required. Once you register you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. Please click below to register and make your donation.
Sit every day and the teachings come alive!
The Practice Support Group is designed to help you establish a consistent and nourishing daily practice. Whether you sit 10, 20, 30 or 40 or 50 minutes daily this class will help you to find a length and frequency that works for you. When questions or challenges arise there is the opportunity to explore them in the weekly group.
Participating in a Dharma group is one of the most supportive things we can do to help our meditation practice grow.
Anna Douglas, PhD., is the founder of Insight Meditation Tucson, and one of the founding teachers of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. In 1986 she was one of five Dharma students invited to train in Jack Kornfield's groundbreaking program of practice and study for new teachers. Although Anna's background is in psychology and the arts, she has had the good fortune as well as the deep aspiration to be able to do many long retreats in the vipassana/insight tradition. For many years her focus in teaching was to guide people in long retreats. She also created and taught mindfulness retreats for yoga practitioners and teachers, and for 15 years taught an annual creativity retreat using painting and writing as the mediums of exploration. In more recent years Anna's teaching has included classes and retreats on aging and dying. She is grateful for the many wonderful opportunities for practice and for teaching she continues to enjoy. This includes offering spiritual guidance to those for whom the Dharma is an ongoing wellspring of spiritual nourishment and inspiration. Anna is available for individual mentoring/guidance in the practice of insight meditation. Even as old age and various forms of decrepitude advance, her deepest wish is that the blessings of Dharma continue to be felt and shared for the benefit of all!