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DAYLONG: We Are Nature — Softening the Sense of a Separate Self

  • Pima Friends Meeting House 931 N. Fifth Ave. Tucson AZ 85705 (map)
This body came out of nature, is part of nature, never departed from nature, and belongs to nature. So give it back to nature. That will be a big relief for you.
— Ajahn Buddhadasa

Meditation Daylong with

David Bornstein
IMT Dharma Leader
Chris Benitez
Guest Teacher

Do you relate to the statement, “When I go out in nature, I often feel more relaxed and at ease?” As teachers, we hear this over and over! Feeling the sun on our skin, walking in the desert or forest, dipping into a body of water; all can bring presence, grounding, and peace. The Buddha’s teaching on the Four Great Elements — Earth, Water, Fire, and Air — shows us that all things in the natural world are comprised of these elements, including ourselves. Mindfully exploring our moment-to-moment experience through the lens of the Four Elements can begin to dissolve the notion — the delusion — that we are separate, isolated beings. Softening the perception of boundaries between our “self” and the rest of the world allows the liberating understanding of Anattā, or not self, to become more available. We become more connected with reality, each other, and our true nature.

 Appropriate for those with at least some meditation experience. This daylong is an opportunity for deeper practice, and will include guided sitting and walking meditation, dharma teachings, mindful inquiry, and discussion. If you are brand new to meditation, check out our Dharma Drop-In Group.

Available In-Person and on Zoom

In-Person location
Pima Friends Meeting House
931 N Fifth Ave.
Tucson AZ, 85705

9:30am - 4:00pm

$10 Registration plus danā (generosity) for the teachers.

Once you register you will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours. Please click below to register and make your donation.


David Bornstein (he/him) is IMT’s Dharma Leader. He began a dedicated Buddhist meditation practice in 1997. David has practiced mostly in the Theravada tradition at Spirit Rock Meditation Center (SRMC) and Insight Meditation Society (IMS), and also attended several Zen sesshins at the San Diego Zen Center. He has sat dozens of silent retreats, ranging in length from several days to two months. David became a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher when he completed the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (2019) led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. He also completed Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner’s Program (2016), and is currently enrolled in their Community Dharma Leader (CDL) Program. For over 20 years, CDL has trained the next generation of dharma leaders with the capacity, resilience and needed skills to carry the dharma forward. CDL7 runs from January 2025-January 2027.

Chris Benitez has been practicing meditation since 2012. He has participated in numerous meditation retreats in the Theravada and Zen traditions, including month-long retreats at Spirit Rock and the Forest Refuge at IMS. Chris is a co-founder and teacher at Misfit Sangha, a Buddhist Community in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Chris was previously a member of the Spiritual Friends Facilitators group at the Albuquerque Insight Meditation Community, and has taught at various dharma centers in the Southwest and the Southeast. Chris regularly leads daylong retreats and outdoor camping retreats in Colorado and Southern Utah. He is primarily interested in the intersection between nature and the dharma, and the ways that wilderness and seclusion in nature are both a teacher and a support for dharma practice.

Earlier Event: March 27
Dharma Drop-in Group