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Dana for Donald Rothberg

The teachings of the Buddha are a priceless gift which are offered freely. We invite you to consider Dana, generosity, as part of our practice together, and to give what you can to support these teachings. Donald receives no compensation for his services. You are encouraged to help Donald lead a life devoted to teaching the dharma by offering donations to him. In the act of giving, we develop our ability to let go, cultivate a spirit of caring, and honor our inter-connectedness.

Please donate to Donald either through PayPal, Venmo, or through writing a check and mailing it to him (see below).


You can donate directly to Donald through his website Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Donate to Donald. If possible through “Family & Friends”.


If you have a Venmo account you can use <@Donald-Rothberg> and the last four digits of his cell phone, 4718.

CHECK: May write a check made out to Donald Rothberg and mail to:

Donald Rothberg
1505 Holly Street
Berkeley, CA 94703

Thank you for supporting the continuation of these priceless teachings.